
Minggu, 10 Januari 2016

Stars And Rabbit - Man Upon The Hill

Man Upon The Hill
Hey man upon the hill, up here…
I used to write you
You loved the way I watch the sun through my finger
We spent sometimes to the day we met
Can I fall into your consellation arm?
We drove in the wind, Opened the window
Waved to nothing, Just keep us awake
We drove under the heavy rain
Soaking wet yes
We laughed at it yet
So tell me more your constellation arm
And we danced in the room
Grew our heart a bloom
I stop right there! You’ve found a new home

I should be happy…


Efek Rumah Kaca (ERK) akhirnya merilis album ketiganya yang berjudul Sinestesia. Album ini baru bisa dirisil secara online yakni melalui iTunes.  Album dari Cholil Mahmud, Adrian Yunan Faisal, dan Akbar Bagus Sudibyo ini berisikan enam lagu. Semua judul lagu diambil dari warna-warna seperti Merah, Biru, Jingga, Hijau, Putih dan Kuning.
Kali ini ERK tampil dengan format yang baru. Setiap lagu yang ada di album ini berdurasi cukup panjang seperti gabungan dari dua fragmen lagu. Sebelumnya ERK sudah merilis dua lagu, yakni Biru dan Putih yang masing-masing berdurasi 09 menit 52 detik dan 09 menit 46 detik. Lagu Biru terdiri dari dua fragmen lagu 'Pasar Bisa Diciptakan' dan 'Cipta Bisa Dipasarkan'. Selain itu, lagu Putih terdiri dari dua fragmen lagu 'Tiada' dan 'Ada'.
Dalam album Sinestesia ini, ERK tampil lebih matang. Tema yang dibawakannya tidak banyak berubah namun justru semakin dalam. ERK menyatakan bahwa album ini merupakan album yang sinematis, yang mengajak pendengarnya untuk mengembara ke alam khayal masing-masing.
Selain itu, ERK juga menggandeng Riyan Riyadi atau seniman yang lebih dikenal dengan nama The Popo untuk memberikan ilustrasinya pada setiap lagu yang ada di album Sinestesia ini. Ini dia salah satu ilustrasi yang dibuat The Popo sebagai respon dari lagu "Biru" Efek Rumah Kaca.


Cinta sejati adalah kenyamanan, kepercayaan, dan dukungan. Kalau kamu tidak setuju, aku tidak peduli.” (Dilan 1990)
Saat membaca kutipan diatas semua pasti tahu kalo novel yang akan saya review ini adalah novel romantis atau percintaan, saya sebenarnya kurang suka dengan novel percintaan, tapi berbeda untuk novel yang satu ini, ingin tahu alasannya? Silahkan baca reviewnya berikut:
Dilan adalah novel karya pidi baiq yang baru saja diterbitkan pada bulan april 2014, Novel ini menceritakan tentang romantisme seorang pria bernama dilan yang mencoba mendapatkan hati seorang perempuan bernama milea dengan cara – cara yang sangat unik dan tidak biasa, contohnya saat pertama kali dilan bertemu milea bukannya diajak berkenalan justru malah meramal milea akan bertemu dengannya dikantin, dilan selalu mengirimkan cokelat lewat tukang koran, tukang post sampai petugas PLN yang menurut milea unik dan romantis karena seolah olah dilan mengajak orang orang bersekongkol untuk membuatnya bahagia, saat milea sakit dilan justru mengirimkan tukang urut bukannya mengirim buah atau bunga, saat milea ultah dilan memberinya kado berupa TTS yang sudah di isi semua oleh dilan karena tidak ingin milea pusing saat mengisinya. Dan masih banyak lagi cara – cara unik dan misterius khas dilan dalam mencoba membuat milea jatuh cinta kepadanya.
Novel ini adalah novel yang sederhana, dengan dialog penuh humor khasnya, pidi baiq baik berhasil meciptakan sebuah cerita cinta yang tidak muluk muluk tapi mampu membuat siapapun yang membaca menjadi penuh tawa, terharu sekaligus bahagia. Meskipun bercerita mengenai usaha seorang cowok untuk mendapatkan gadis impiannya, novel ini tidak terkesan narsis karena menggunakan milea sebagai point of viewnya, alur ceritanya mengalir melalui kenangan milea akan sosok dilan yang dikenalnya ditahun 1990 sehingga penceritaannya bisa terasa tulus dan tidak mengada – ada. Setting ceritanya pun tidak banyak, hanya terbatas pada sekolah dengan detail, kelas, kantin, warung bi eem, kemudian jalan dikota bandung, rumah milea, dan rumah dilan.
Membaca cerita ini mengingatkan kita pada masa masa SMA, mengingatkan tentang cinta monyet atau cinta pertama sewaktu masih muda, Sampul novelnya unik berwarna biru pastel dan didalamnya ada gambar ilustrasi para tokohnya, novelnya juga tidak terlalu tebal ,saya sendiri membaca novel ini sekali duduk, hanya membutuhkan waktu sekitar 4 jam karena memang ceritanya unik dan bisa buat kita tidak ingin berhenti membaca sampai selesai. Novel ini sangat recomended buat yang bosan dengan novel percintaan termehek mehek dan lebay. Novel yang sederhana namun manis. Novel ini mendapat total rating 4.31/5 dan sudah banyak di review di situs goodreads.com bahkan kabarnya novel ini sudah sold out diberbagai toko buku.
Sayangnya ending novel ini masih bersambung, tapi akan ada buku lanjutannya. semoa ayah pidi baiq segera bisa menerbitkan kelanjutan bukunya, ditunggu sekali.

reported speech

If we report what another person has said, we usually do not use the speaker’s exact words (direct speech), but reported (indirect) speech.

Direct Speech / Quoted Speech
Saying exactly what someone has said is called direct speech (sometimes called quoted speech)
Here what a person says appears within quotation marks ("...") and should be word for word.

Indirect Speech / Reported Speech
Indirect speech (sometimes called reported speech), doesn't use quotation marks to enclose what the person said and it doesn't have to be word for word.

When reporting speech the tense usually changes. This is because when we use reported speech, we are usually talking about a time in the past (because obviously the person who spoke originally spoke in the past). The verbs therefore usually have to be in the past too.
For example:

Direct speech / Quoted speech                                  Indirect speech / Reported speech
"I'm going to the cinema," he said                            He said he was going to the cinema
"We could go to the cinema," he thought.              He thought we could go to the cinema.

Reporting verb
1. SAY
Let's look first at the verbs we've already talked about. The basic verb pattern for using 'say' for reported speech is:
say + (that) + clause
She said (that) she had already eaten.
(The direct speech for this is "I've already eaten".)

On the other hand, with 'tell' we need to use an object, a person who we tell the information to. See also my page about the difference between 'say' and 'tell' here.
tell + someone + (that) + clause
I told John (that) I had seen the new film.
(The direct speech for this is "I've seen the new film".)

When we are reporting orders, we can also use another pattern with 'tell':
tell + someone + to + infinitive
She told the children to go to bed.

We use 'ask' to report questions or requests. For questions we use the pattern:
ask + someone + if / question word + clause
I asked my boss if I could leave early.
She asked them where the station was.

For requests we use the pattern:
ask + someone + to + infinitive
I asked Lucy to pass me the salt.
(Remember, my first two examples with 'ask' are no longer real questions, so we use the normal sentence word order. We don't use inversion. We say 'she asked them where the station was', NOT 'she asked them where was the station'. You can read more about this on my page about indirect questions and on my page about reported speech.)

Other reporting verbs follow a variety of patterns. I'm afraid there aren't any rules about which verbs follow which patterns. You need to learn each one.

(= Give someone advice. Notice the different spelling for the verb and the noun.)
Advise + someone + to + infinitive
She advised him to see a doctor.
Advise + (that) + clause
The staff advise that you carry water at all times.
Advise + against + verb-ing
I'd advise against leaving early.

Agree + to + infinitive
We agreed to meet the following day.
Agree + (that) + clause
I agreed that the children could do their homework later.

Apologize + (to + someone) + for + verb-ing
They apologized to us for being late.
She apologized for forgetting the book.
Apologize (+ to + someone) + for + noun
She apologized for the delay.

Decide + to + infinitive
They decided to go to the cinema.
Decide + (that) + clause
They decided that they would go to the cinema.

Encourage + someone + to + infinitive
She encouraged him to take the exam again.
The teacher encouraged the students to ask questions.

Explain + (that) + clause
The teacher explained that the course was finished.
Explain + noun + to + someone
She explained the grammar to the students.
NOT: She explained me the grammar.

Explain + question word + to + infinitive
They explained how to buy a train ticket on the internet.
John explained where to find the restaurant.
Explain + question word + clause
We explained what the exams would cover.

Insist + on + verb-ing
He insisted on paying.
Insist + (that) + clause
He insisted that we sit down.

Promise + to + infinitive
He promised to arrive early.
Promise + (someone) + (that) + clause
I promised him that I wouldn't do it again.

Recommend + verb-ing
I recommend visiting the British Museum while you're in London.
Recommend + (that) + clause
I recommend that you visit the British Museum

Remind + someone + to + infinitive
She reminded him to take his keys.
Remind + someone + (that) + clause
They reminded me that there is a party tonight.

Suggest + verb-ing
I suggest leaving soon
Suggest + (that) + clause
I suggest that you come as soon as you can.
NOT: I suggest him to come.

15: WARN
Warn + someone + (not) + to + infinitive
I warned them not to go in the water.
Warn + someone + about + something
She warned us about the dangerous roads
Time Expressions with Reported Speech

Sometimes when we change direct speech into reported speech we have to change time expressions too. We don't always have to do this, however. It depends on when we heard the direct speech and when we say the reported speech.

For example:
It's Monday. Julie says "I'm leaving today".
If I tell someone on Monday, I say "Julie said she was leaving today".
If I tell someone on Tuesday, I say "Julie said she was leaving yesterday".
If I tell someone on Wednesday, I say "Julie said she was leaving on Monday".
If I tell someone a month later, I say "Julie said she was leaving that day".

So, there's no easy conversion. You really have to think about when the direct speech was said.

Here's a table of some possible conversions:
then / at that time
yesterday / that day / Tuesday / the 27th of June
the day before yesterday / the day before / Wednesday / the 5th of December
last night
the night before, Thursday night
last week
the week before / the previous week
today / the next day / the following day / Friday

kinds of direct and indirect

He said, “we will go to Singapore tomorrow”
He said that they would go to Singapore the next day.
Bob said, ” I’m a university student”
Bob said that he was a university student.

Direct speech                                                                 reported speech
he said “ i want to meet your sister tonight”          he said he wanted to meet my sister that night
they said “ we aren’t studying today                         they said they weren’t studying that day.

Ina asked me, “Do you really love me?”
Ina asked me if/whether I really loved her.
Indirect speech of imperative sentence.

A sentence which expresses command, request, advice or suggestion is called imperative sentence.
For example,
     •  Open the door.
     •  Please help me.
     •  Learn your lesson.

To change such sentences into indirect speech, the word “ordered” or “requested” or “advised” or “suggested” or “forbade” or “not to do” is added to reporting verb depending upon nature of imperative sentence in reported speech.

           Direct speech: He said to me, “please help me”
           Indirect Speech: He requested me to help him.

Complete the sentences in reported speech. Note the change of pronouns and tenses.
1. “ where is my umbrella?”she asked.
She asked……………………………………..

2. “ how are you?”Martin asked us.
Martin asked us…………………………

3. he asked,”Do I have to do it?”
he asked………………………………

4. “ where have you been?”the mother asked her daughter.
The mother asked her daughter………………………………………

5. “ which dress do you like best?”she asked her boyfriend.
She asked her boyfriend…………………………………………………

Rabu, 02 Desember 2015

tiga pagi


Satu per satu hilang dari hidupku, seiring waktu 
Satu per satu tiada lagi, beranjak pasti, menghantuiku 

Bagaikan sang waktu membenciku 
Pisahkan aku dari batinku 

Seakan semua masa lalu yang tak pernah punya arti 
Lalu kita lupakan kenangan biarkan semua ditelan waktu

tiga pagi

Pasir ini erat ku genggam 
Tak bersisa sebutir di telapak tangan 
Jika ia tak sanggup lagi menghakimi 
Mungkin hanya waktu yang mampu mengadili ia 

Andai jarum dapat ku halang 
Tak akan tebuang detik akan kudulang 
Dan akan kutuang dalam ruang tak bertulang 
Namun kini ku letih memlih tuk pulang 

Ku pulang pun tak kunjung hilang 
Menjadi bayang menghadang lalu menyerang 
Sekonyong datang, lalu hilang, lalu datang, hilang, 
selalu datang-hilang, lalu datang, lalu hilang 

Pasir, aku lelah mengukir, ku terusir tersingkir 
Pasir, tak terukur, kau gugur teratur 
Aku terkubur, tersungkur 

Pasir, aku lelah mengukir, ku terusir tersingkir 
Pasir, tak terukur, kau gugur teratur 

Jumat, 16 Oktober 2015


Active voice is used in a clause whose subject expresses the agent of the main verb. That is, the subject does the action designated by the verb. A sentence whose agent is marked as grammatical subject is called an active sentence. In contrast, a sentence in which the subject has the role of patient or theme is named a passive sentence, and its verb is expressed in passive voice.

In passive sentences, the thing receiving the action is the subject of the sentence and the thing doing the action is optionally included near the end of the sentence. You can use the passive form if you think that the thing receiving the action is more important or should be emphasized. You can also use the passive form if you do not know who is doing the action or if you do not want to mention who is doing the action.

Active and Passive Voice Patterns
          Subject + verb  + object
          Subject + be + verb 3 + by + object + modifier
           Auxiliary be (is, are, am, was, were, be, been, being)

The cat bit the police.
The police was bitten by the cat

1. Passive Voice [Simple Present Tense]
-Pattern = Subject + to be + Verb3
Example :
we buy a novel everyday [active]
A novel is bought by us [passive]

2. Passive Voice [Present Continous Tense]
-Pattern = Subject + to be + being + Verb3
Example :
he is drinking a glass of coffee [active]
A glass of coffee is being drunk by him [passive]

3. Passive Voice [Present Perfect Tense]
-Pattern = Subject + have/has + been + Verb3
Example :
I have done our homework [active]
Our homework have been done by me [passive]

4. Passive Voice [Simple Past Tense]
-Pattern = Subject + to be (was – were) + Verb 3
Example :
I swept the door yesterday [active]
The door was swept by me [passive]

5. Passive Voice [Past Continous Tense]
-Pattern = Subject + to be (was – were) + Verb3
Example :
I were typing a letter [active]
A letter was been typed by me [passive]

6. Passie Voice [Past Perfect Tense]
-Pattern = Subject + had + been + Verb3
Example :
He had done his homework [active]
His homework had been done by him [passive]

7. Passie Voice [Simple Future Tense]
-Pattern = Subject + will + be + Verb3
Example :
They will buy a book tomorrow [active]
A book will be bought by them [passive]

8. Passive Voice [Future Continous Tense]
-Pattern = Subject + will be + being + Verb3
Example :
We will be typing a letter [active]
A letter will be being typed by us [passive]

9. Passive Voice [Future Perfect Tense]
-Pattern = Subject + will have + been + Verb3
Example :
He will have done his homework [active]
His homework will have been done by him [passive]

Active and Passive voice with modals. Modals are may, must, can, could, ought to, should.
Forming Passives With Modals

Affirmative Form              Object + may, must, can, could, ought to, should + be + verb3
Question Form                   Must, may, can, should, might + object + be + verb3 (past participle)

                                                                                             Modal+be+past participle

1.   Cinta will eat egg                                         1.    Egg will be eaten by cinta
2.   Cinta can eat egg                                         2.    Egg can be eaten by cinta
3.   Cinta should eat egg                                    3.    Egg should be eaten by cinta
4.   Cinta ought to eat egg                                 4.     Egg ought to be eaten by cinta
5.   Cinta must eat egg                                       5.     Egg must be eaten by cinta
6.   Cinta may eat egg                                        6.     Egg may  be eaten by cinta
7.   Cinta might eat egg                                      7.    Egg might be eaten by cinta
8.   Cinta could eat egg                                      8.    Egg could be eaten by cinta


A transitive verb is a verb that has an object. An intransitive verb is a verb that does not have an object.
every day.
(Drink is a transitive verb because it needs an object.)


every day.
(Run is an intransitive verb because it does not need an object.)


Transitive verbs --
need an object after them.
can take direct or indirect objects.

Intransitive verbs --
do not need an object.
can be followed by a complement, usually an adjective or adverb.
For example, The food smells good. Subject + Verb + Complement

Active – passive voice
Active: I read a letter.
Passive: A letter is read by me.
Active: I help you.
Passive: You are helped by me.
Active: they like my parents.
Passive: My parents are liked by them.
Active: they like our country.
Passive: Our country is liked by them

transitive - Intransitive
 She gave a cookie to the child.
 They slept in the street.
 I ate the cherries.
 My father doesn't drink coffee.
  He always keeps his money in a wallet.

1 transitive
2 intransitive
3 transitive
5 transitive
